Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pine Beetle

Blue Dots are Old Infections
Red X's are Infections for 2010
Updated 10/25/10
(click on picture for better view)

The past couple weeks I've been out marking trees that have been attacked by the pine beetle, same as last year (see "Typical Fall Work" 11/13/09).

Pitch Tubes on Lodge Pole
are Signs on Beetle Attack

Right now we have close to 57 green attack trees to remove. (Green attack refers to living pine trees that were attacked this season and are infected with the beetle now. Red attack refers to dead pine trees from previous seasons that no longer contain the beetle but still have their needles. Greys are dead standing trees with all their needles fallen off. More reading and info at: http://www.rdno.ca/pine_beetle/index.php and http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/hfp/mountain_pine_beetle/bbbrochure.htm)

Infected trees will be cut and processed (burning or milling) to kill the overwintering beetle/larvae. We monitor previous infections sites and walk the entire property (including the land owned by the golf club near the river) looking for new infection sites. A point of interest this year is the unfortunate circumstance of finding more Ponderosa hits this year. We have found infected Ponderosa's in the past but they have been small trees. This year all the new hits have been on large trees. If there is any good news all but one of the infected Ponderosa's are located in the deep rough.