Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August Update

The heat we are getting now is very nice. It's even nicer that we are getting it in August and not July since that would make for a very long summer for the turf (and the my staff!). Also, I'm pretty sure it won't last past the September long weekend. The other nice thing about August heat is the August nights can be cool and grass likes to grow roots during warm days and cool nights. Those areas with inferior irrigation are becoming very obvious with the heat and since we've had no appreciable rain for weeks those areas with no irrigation are in complete summer dormancy. Golf course wise we are just trying to hang on and get through the Pucksters Tournaments.


Not the best picture but just last week I saw a turkey hen and her brood out on 12 tee.

River Watch

We had some problems with the connection to the river but half a day, a pump, shovels, and two guys got everything going again. The flow is still good but it is dropping weekly. Before this little blast of heat and wind I thought our water usage would be on the decline but the turf is drying faster than I can water.

August 7

August 18