Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Outta Water: Update #6

Needles, bark, dead mice, and the odd dead rat is what greeted us as we mucked through the goop at the bottom of the wet well.  For someone who is claustrophobic and can't swim I feel like I met my phobias head on over the last couple days.  We were never able to completely stop the flow but slowed it enough that our small trash pump could keep the water from getting too high.
Exterior Wet Well Plug
Plug Installed
Looking Down the Interior Wet Well
As suspected, there was over 2 feet of goo in the bottom.  We brought in a vacuum truck and few hours later we had pretty much cleaned out the well.
Vacuum Truck
It is not cheap but mucking it out by hand would easily of taken a full day.  After getting the barrels clean we were able to see the conduit from inside the interior wet well and observed it was indeed plugged with more slop.  High pressure water created a slurry that was vacuumed up and we were able to unclog the conduit,
Looking Through Conduit From Inside Wet Well
A little more time working the fire hose (water supplied by using portable pump sucking from the river) and we were able to completely clean out the conduit.  So now we are all cleaned up and should be ready to pump water, however:
there is no water at the intake.  The river is so low the pumps have nothing to pump.  I still have to figure that one out.