Monday, March 14, 2011

The New Carts Have Arrived.

Preparing to unload carts

Its still early but some things are happening in preparation for the golf season. Earlier this week we received the new carts which are all equipped with GPS. Not everyone knows that each time we get new carts they have to come from Georgia (the state not the country). The trucks left on a Wednesday and arrived early on a Monday. Each truck carries 28 carts (we needed 3 trucks for the 66 carts delivered) in a "double-decker" style trailer. The roofs, windshields, etc. are loaded in compartments located under the trailer. If you double click the following picture you can see how little room there is for the top row of carts. Driving them out is fairly straight forward but backing them up can be challenging. Luckily, the dudes from Georgia do it all and we just watch.

Ramp leading to upper row

Most the old carts were loaded and at least one truck and trailer returned those carts to the U.S. I am not sure about the rest but usually they are taken to Calgary and Club Car in Calgary sells them.

Truck in the fore ground is loading old
carts while the other unloads new carts

Now that all the carts are equipped with the Visage (or the GPS system to keep it simple) we now have the option to use all the features that are available with such a system. Aside from the obvious tracking time and movement of the carts, we will be able to control the area carts are allowed to travel. For instance, but placing an "electronic fence" around the golf course perimeter no cart will be able to leave the property since the new carts will automatically shut down once they reach the perimeter. No more going to the Marysville pub for beers! Even better, from a selfish stand point, is the ability to limit traffic in excessively wet areas after monsoons without stringing out miles of rope. Also, we can limit traffic on the steep banks located on the back nine roughs. We can control the speed of the carts around the clubhouse and on steep cart paths to help limit the possibility of roll overs and crashes. As with all things there will be tweaking to get it all finessed properly for KGC.

At the end of this week I'll do another post on course conditions and where we are headed but as it stands now it is still wintry and not a whole lot has changed.