Friday, May 6, 2011

Week of May 1st

First week of May and it seems like we are in full swing with routine maintenance. We are still mowing at early season H.O.C. but have been working steadily on improving the playing conditions on the greens. The holes from the deep tine aeration from last fall have mostly healed but the heaving of the green surface from that aeration is still present and the rutting that results from the mowing equipment is our biggest battle now. We have been vibratory rolling and topdressing at a moderate rate since the opening and I hope to have the greens firmed up and smooth before too long.

Spreading Sand with
Top dresser

Last spring we purchased the top dresser pictured and it has taken the job of top dressing and made it so much quicker and easier. This style of top dresser instead of just dropping the sand onto the surface incorporates spinning discs that throw the sand into the turf canopy. Depending on the rate, we can sometimes get away without having to drag the sand and disrupt the surface. All that is needed is a overnight irrigation. The other great thing is the distance this top dresser throws the sand. Again, depending on the rate, sand can be thrown up to 30 feet. To appreciate how this speeds the whole process it now only takes 2 passes with the twin spinner top dresser to cover our narrowest green versus 11 passes with our other drop style of top dresser.