Sunday, May 15, 2011

Quick Word About Bunkers

While most bunkers have been edged and readied for the season some have been left untouched and are marked with a "G.U.R." sign. Those particular bunkers (13 Fwy, 13 G & 14 Fwy on left) all require some additional sand to get them playable. They are not the only ones but they are definitely the worst. We are on the list for a delivery of sand but I am not sure when we are expecting it. We are restricted for bulk storage and since we always need a quantity of top dressing sand on hand for the top dressing program the greens are on we can only receive one load (approx. 40 yards) of bunker sand due to those limitations.

What I am trying to say is plan for getting those bunkers back into play is going to be a herkey-jerky sort of process with a mad flurry of activity followed by a waiting period and then another mad flurry followed by waiting, etc., etc. Actually, we only budgeted for a few loads and there isn't that many bunkers so the process shouldn't last all season but expect some of those bunkers to be out of play for most of the spring.

With respect to the long skinny bunker on the back of 1 green we have started to fill it in and will end up creating some mounding and long grass to capture balls. The motivation for this project mostly relates to the amount of labour and materials that go into maintaining the bunker during the season. It required more sand this season and since it is surrounded by quack grass we were having to spray Round-up monthly in an effort to keep the weedy grass species from taking over the bunker. For me, the image of a bunker filled with grass creeping through out is unappealing. Further, we had a pile of fill from an irrigation project two years ago that was cluttering up the left of 2 rough and it needed to get cleaned up. The initial plan was to use that material for fill during the rebuild of 3 tee but that project is constantly getting shelved for one reason or another. All these factors combined have lead to the removal of the skinny bunker on 1 green.