Wednesday, August 8, 2012


This time out we'll make #5 the "Hole of the Week".   We'll start with some definitions:

Weed: A plant growing where it is not wanted.

Noxious weed (a.k.a invasive plant) : " typically non-native plants that have been introduced to British Columbia without the insect predators and plant pathogens that help keep them in check in their native habitats. For this reason and because of their aggressive growth, these alien plants can be highly destructive, competitive and difficult to control" (straight off BC gov web page go here for a good resource for identifying weeds and other good info)

Nuisance weed:  "Hundreds of nuisance weeds exist in all agriculture areas and, although they cause economic losses, they are generally so widespread that enforcement is impractical" (straight from website for Peace River Regional District). 

Part of the "Hole of the Week" task will be to address the some of weed we have out there that I can't always get to.  The prime suspects are the noxious weeds knapweed and toad flax:

Spotted Knapweed
Dalmatian Toad Flax
 And the nuisance weed Mullein:

And the weed white sweet-clover

Clover in foreground
There is plenty of all these weeds throughout the course but on #5 they are concentrated on the left bank below the driving range fence and the left hill side at the 150 yard stake.  It would be nice to have each group pull one of each weed as they pass by and leave them all in a pile in the rough and we'll dispose of them accordingly.

One of the regular routines we haven't been able to get to everyday is filling in the divots on the tee's.  Another task for interested players would be to make use of the divot mix bucket each golf car has and fill divots on the tee's we are not getting.  Take a scoop of sand with you when to the tee and fill in yours or any freshies you might find (a late addition thanks to Chico and Spanky: all the broken tees!! Picking those up and putting them in the trash helps keep things clean).

Five tee is one of the few holes we have with flower beds but even then I don't always have a person to attended to the routine maintenance.  Pulling weeds (in this case the obvious grass and dandelions growing amongst the flowers) and removing spent blossoms will help in the upkeep of the beds.

There you have it.  Like I said not a very sexy work list but all still required tasks.  We'll see what comes of peoples response to my request for help. knapweed broucher