Friday, August 24, 2012

Outta' Water : Update #3

We back to full.  One night of rain and the cool temps (both day and night) have been a huge help in getting us caught up.  With no irrigation on the course for the last 2 days and the 10mm of rain Tuesday night we are in pretty good standing.  Timing was good since I was having trouble controlling the leak on our  #1 pump stuffing box.  Optimistically, we should be able to make it even with one pump.

There is sufficient water at our intake and we plan to keep it open for a bit longer to ensure water reaches the outer man hole.  Once we complete work at the river I'll do a follow up post.  Otherwise, river info will be sparse unless things move in a different direction.

In anticipation of Pucksters, maintenance has been geared towards enhancing playing conditions.  After this tournament we will continue with aerating tee's with the hope of finishing before September long weekend.  Once September hits there will be some changes but I'll talk about those in a later posts.  What players need to know is we are in a situation that has pushed up the routine fall maintenance and result the next couple weeks will be a lot of "in your face" maintenance and your understanding will be greatly appreciated.