Monday, February 25, 2013

AGM and the Links I Promised

Follow this link USGA article to see the full article I kept referencing at the AGM.  Whether you'll get any more information I'm not sure but take look.  Another article I had with me is one from Penn state.  Follow this green speed link to read it.  It is a general outline of some of the common maintenance practices for affecting green speed.  Read that one also if you're interested but keep in mind that, as I referenced at the AGM (I think?), we have some challenges, hurdles, limitations, etc., etc. that influence the degree these practices can be implemented at KGC.  None of these challenges, hurdles, limitations, etc., etc. are insurmountable but at present the club doesn't necessarily have all the required resources to overcome these challenges, hurdles, limitations, etc., etc.

Don't forget these pictures:
2 Green Roots 
5 Green Roots
When we're dealing with this degree of variation (remember the more roots you have the better the turf can handle stress while little or no roots makes just keeping things alive a challenge) you have to gauge the maintenance practices to the weakest link.